How to apply
Talk with us
An important step when applying for registration is to meet with us to discuss the application process and your plans.
If registration appears suitable, we will arrange an in-depth meeting with your organisation to discuss the application requirements and process. This is an opportunity for us to meet with a member of your governing body and senior management to discuss:
- our expectations of registered CHPs
- your organisation’s circumstances
- suitability for registration
- the ongoing regulatory requirements for registered CHPs
- the supporting information we require to be submitted with an application.
Once we have met with you and are satisfied that registration may be a good fit for your organisation, we will provide the application form.
Contact us to set up the initial application discussion or if you require additional information about the application process.
Complete the application form
You are required to complete all sections of the form and provide all the required supporting information. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Mandatory obligations
You should consider the mandatory obligations of registered CHPs before proceeding with your application.
Registered CHPs are subject to:
- annual monitoring by CHRA
- additional change and disclosure reporting requirements.
You can find further information about annual monitoring and the requirements in the Annual Monitoring and Reporting Framework [PDF, 233 KB]
Your Chair must complete several declarations, including confirming the full support of the Board for the application and any conflicts of interest. Find out more about declaring and managing conflicts of interest [PDF, 156 KB].
Help with your application form
The Performance Standards and Guidelines are designed to help you complete the application form. You can also contact the sector’s representative bodies – Community Housing Aotearoa or Te Matapihi – for guidance.
The CHRA Guidance Notes are important aids in preparing an application. At a minimum, you should review the following guidance notes, before submitting an application:
- Class 1 Social Landlord
- separation of services
- financial viability.
You can contact us to discuss any questions you have about meeting the performance standards while you prepare your application.
Submit your application
Organisations can apply at any time of the year, and we don’t currently charge registration fees.
Please submit your application electronically, either via email ( or on a USB memory stick to our address below:
Community Housing Regulatory Authority
PO Box 82
Wellington 6140