After the decision

Applicants will be advised of the decision in writing and receive feedback on each of the five Performance Standards.

For successful applicants, this feedback may include a list of improvements CHRA will require you to make to ensure your organisation meets the Performance Standards. The implementation of these improvements will need to be demonstrated as part of the first year’s annual reporting process.

For unsuccessful applicants, this feedback will include the reasons why your application was not successful, which will assist you should you wish to develop a new application. 

Successful applicants will be added to the Public Register on CHRA’s website and registration will be published in the New Zealand Gazette(external link).

We will also notify Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga - Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)'s housing supply team that your organisation has been registered and can partner with HUD to supply community housing. For more information about supply opportunities, visit the Providing public housing(external link) page on the HUD website. 

An applicant may appeal to the District Court in relation to CHRA’s decisions affecting registration. For more information see our page on disputes, complaints and appeals