Complaints and appeals

This page contains information relating to making complaints about a registered CHP or the Community Housing Regulatory Authority (CHRA) and appealing a registration decision made by CHRA.

Tenant complaints about a registered CHP landlord

If you are a tenant with a complaint about a registered CHP landlord, we encourage you to use all available, lawful methods to resolve the matter with the landlord before approaching us.

Read more about making a complaint about a CHP.

Complaints about CHRA

If you are not satisfied about a regulatory decision by the Authority, we recommend that you contact us to discuss the issue in the first instance. The Authority is a responsive regulator and views complaints as a mechanism for testing whether our processes are robust. There may also be instances where, despite our best efforts, we don’t get it right first time. By discussing these issues with us, it may be possible to avoid having to go to the District Court for a resolution.

Please be aware that your organisation will in no way be penalised for making a complaint to the Authority about a decision that it has made.

Read more about making a complaint about CHRA.

Appeals to the District Court

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Authority’s engagement with your complaint, or you choose not to make a complaint to the Authority, a CHP may appeal to the District Court in relation to CHRA’s decisions affecting registration such as refusing registration or suspending or revoking registration, or refusing to revoke registration where this has been requested by the CHP.

Read more about appeals to the District Court.

More information about complaints and appeals: 

Making a complaint about a CHP
Making a complaint about CHRA
Appeals to the District Court